The Anatomy of Loneliness

Autor: Teal Swan
  • Data wydania: 2018/10/27
  • Liczba stron 256
  • Format 13.5x21.5 cm
  • Wydawca: Watkins Media
  • Wysyłka: 10 dni
£ 12.48
£ 15.60

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How to Find Your Way Back to Connection

Loneliness is reaching endemic proportions in our society, reflected by rising suicide rates and increased mental illness. Now, more than ever we need to find a way to connect.

Loneliness, is a feeling of separation or isolation, it is not necessarily the same as the physical state of being alone. This book is for people who suffer from loneliness, the kind that cannot be solved by simply being around other people.

Their aloneness is a deeply embedded pattern that is both negative and painful, it is often fuelled by trauma, loss, addiction, grief and a lack of self-esteem and insecurity.In The Anatomy of Loneliness, Teal identifies the three pillars of loneliness: Separation, Shame and Fear and goes on to share her revolutionary technique, The Connection Process, that guides the reader through a series of exercises, helping them to face their fears and, ultimately to reach a place of unconditional love and acceptance
Numer EAN
Rok wydania
Liczba stron
10 dni
13.5x21.5 cm