Heroic tales w.ukraińska

Autor: Iryna Matsko
  • Data wydania: 2024/04/30
  • Wydawca: VIVAT
  • Wysyłka: 10 dni
£ 5.31
£ 5.90

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Amid the blooming gardens and golden meadows, a fairy-tale state spread out, where a free and proud people lived. And in the neighboring country, under the rule of the cruel and cowardly king-curduple Boinko, gray and frightened people lived. Somehow, that short man was overcome by fierce envy: he decided to enslave the happy singing people and went to war against him. But brave men stood against him... A bird of steel that ignited hearts in the midst of darkness and pain. Desperate Tyra that brought warriors back to life. Mikhail in an angry embroidered suit, stronger than any armor. The Iron General led into battle thousands of brave warriors. And they defeated Boinka, and Pokor, and the Wild Monster, and Evil, and all the evil that the war brought with it. And heroes and heroines will forever stand guarding peace and tranquility: some on earth, and some on heaven. And their fame will spread throughout the world.

Numer EAN
Rok wydania
10 dni