The Magic Finger

Autor: Roald Dahl
  • Wysyłka: 10 dni
£ 8.50
£ 9.44

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Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3­-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction. - Beautifully illustrated books, carefully written by language learning experts. - Structured language progression to develop children`s reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills. - Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). - Language activities provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests. - A unique code in each printed book provides access to online audio, extra activities and learning resources. Roald Dahl: The Magic Finger, a Level 4 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Flyers exams. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, more past and future tense structures, modal verbs and a wider variety of conjunctions. `I have a Magic Finger. When I get angry . . . things begin to happen!` What will happen when the finger is pointed at the Gregg family? Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.
Numer EAN
Rok wydania
10 dni
13x20 cm